Find your passion!! Article 2

Fatima Adeel
2 min readJan 2, 2021

“Your passion is waiting for your courage to catch up.” — Isabelle Lafleche

Who are you? What is your dream? These are the 2 most repetitive questions, each citizen asks you; whats your answer? Did you ever thought of becoming someone that the world would remember? No! Thats the fact that most people are afraid to admit. Take 5 minutes and get yourself in a peaceful environment, then ask yourself about your dream and your goals…this seems quite unnatural but after this you can start working on your future!!

Instead of making definite decisions of career path, I believe you should get curious about your interests; observe how the world actually works. The bridge from passion to money-maker can’t be made hastily. Some interests are discarded because they can’t be immediately relayed into a source of income.

Blogging is a great passion! I know a huge amount of people who earn by simply blogging and thats the reason I have interest in it. Patience is a necessary ingredient in evolving a passion however, be flexible to experience any kind of possibility.

If your are passing a phase of not figuring out your passion, try this! Read books as it helps you to figure out your destiny. One of the best-selling book is Alchemist by Paulo Coelho; I would just simply say that this book is neither a tedious book nor a very story-like book however, this book will take you to the right path of finding out your passion. HOW? This book is not specifically aiming on mentoring but the author also concentrates on amusing the readers so they never find it similar to a school course book.

Don't wait for perfection while starting a particular program or business, stop underestimating yourself because you can never be perfect no matter how long you try to improve that skill. Perfection is not something that is expected from a candidate however, a hardworking citizen always produce remarkable results.

Photo by Doran Erickson on Unsplash



Fatima Adeel

Greetings! I hope you all like my articles and contents. My aim is to pursue my dreams by freelancing.